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チャンネル「Fulgur Ovid 【NIJISANJI EN】」(ファルガー・オーヴィド)のバナー
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🔱 がうる・ぐら (454万人)🏴‍☠ 宝鐘マリン (380万人)🏢 ホロライブ (272万人)👯 兎田ぺこら (268万人)☔ こぼ・かなえる (263万人)☄️ 星街すいせい (261万人)🦊 白上フブキ (252万人)💀 森カリオペ (250万人)🌸 さくらみこ (229万人)🌂 しぐれうい (205万人)⚔️ 白銀ノエル (199万人)🍙 猫又おかゆ (193万人) ​🚑 大空スバル (181万人)🦂 壱百満天原サロメ (181万人)🐏 角巻わため (162万人)🐙 一伊那尓栖 (160万人)💫 天音かなた (158万人)🐔 小鳥遊キアラ (156万人) ​❤️‍ 赤井はあと (153万人)🏮 夏色まつり (150万人)♌ 獅白ぼたん (149万人)👾 常闇トワ (149万人)🔮 ムーナ・ホシノヴァ (137万人)🎣 沙花叉クロヱ (137万人)🐰 月ノ美兎 (136万人)🛸 ラプラス・ダークネス (132万人)⛄️ 雪花ラミィ (130万人)🎪 尾丸ポルカ (128万人)🌙 紫咲シオン (128万人)🍑 桃鈴ねね (126万人)🌲 大神ミオ (126万人)💿 ときのそら (125万人)🧪 博衣こより (124万人)⚒️ AZKi (116万人)🪶 七詩ムメイ (111万人)🌟 星川サラ (110万人)💋 癒月ちょこ (108万人)🍬 姫森ルーナ (107万人)🤖 ロボ子さん (106万人)🏢 あおぎり高校 (106万人)⏳ オーロ・クロニー (103万人)🥀 鷹嶺ルイ (103万人)🐚 儒烏風亭らでん (103万人)🍃 風真いろは (103万人)🎀 結城さくな (101万人)🥕 田中ヒメ / 鈴木ヒナ (101万人)🐈 みけねこ (100万人)2️⃣ 新兎わい (99万人)🍎 アキ・ローゼンタール (97万人)📜 ベスティア・ゼータ (95万人)🐿️ アユンダ・リス (92万人)👑 リゼ・ヘルエスタ (90万人)🍁 樋口楓 (89万人)🎋 笹木咲 (89万人)⚖️ アンジュ・カトリーナ (88万人)📕 アルス・アルマル (85万人)🐧 轟はじめ (85万人)🍫 橘ひなの (84万人)🏢 ホロライブEnglish (83万人)🔨 カエラ・コヴァルスキア (82万人)🦚 パヴォリア・レイネ (82万人)👻 椎名唯華 (81万人)🎨 アイラニ・イオフィフティーン (78万人)🗿 古石ビジュー (76万人)🌻 本間ひまわり (75万人)🍂 アーニャ・メルフィッサ (73万人)🪐 小森めと (72万人)🎐 天宮こころ (72万人)🎠 フレン・E・ルスタリオ (72万人)👾 花芽すみれ (66万人)🖋️ 火威青 (66万人)🗼 える (66万人)⛩️ 桜ころみん (65万人)🐬 電脳少女シロ (64万人)🎃 ニュイ・ソシエール (63万人)🌃 一条莉々華 (63万人)🥨 ルンルン (63万人)🐻 ラトナ・プティ (62万人)🐺 甘狼このみ (62万人)🐬 西園チグサ (61万人)🎹 音乃瀬奏 (61万人)🥞 藍沢エマ (61万人)☁️ 天使うと (60万人)💉 健屋花那 (60万人)🔔 シスター・クレア (58万人)💞 周央サンゴ (58万人)🎩 夜見れな (55万人) ​🍃 葉山舞鈴 (55万人) ​🍒 猫汰つな (55万人) ​🏢 ホロライブインドネシア (55万人)🍼 魔界ノりりむ (52万人)🦅 鷹宮リオン (50万人)🍊 猫宮ひなた (50万人)🍻 ミオリ・セレスタ (50万人)🪄 ミリー・パフェ (50万人)💐 英リサ (49万人)🐧 ペトラ グリン (49万人)🐠 フィナーナ竜宮 (48万人)❤️ エイレーン (48万人)🍜 音霊魂子 (48万人)🌹 ロゼミ ラブロック (47万人)🏢 hololive DEV_IS (47万人)🎧 音ノ乃のの (46万人)⚗️ 葉加瀬冬雪 (45万人)👠 白雪巴 (45万人)🌶️ 神楽七奈 (45万人)♠️ 空澄セナ (44万人) ​🍣 花芽なずな (44万人)🎵 富士葵 (43万人)🐰 マリア マリオネット (43万人)☪️ 紫宮るな (43万人)🐰 兎咲ミミ (42万人)🌩️ 神成きゅぴ (42万人)🐈 猫麦とろろ (42万人)🤎 栗駒こまる (41万人)👻 遠藤霊夢 (41万人)Ω おめがシスターズ (40万人)🔥 レイン・パターソン (40万人)🐟 文野環 (40万人)😽 大代真白 (39万人)🍆 名取さな (39万人)🐰 ピップキンピッパ (38万人)🧁 天羽しろっぷ (38万人)💜 静凛 (37万人) ​🦊 狐井アキラ (37万人)🎴 緋月ゆい (37万人)🎵 天神子兎音 (37万人)🐁 夜絆ニウ (36万人)🐱 猫羽かりん (36万人)💧 紡木こかげ (35万人)🐅 虎金妃笑虎 (34万人)🌇 夕陽リリ (34万人)🐾 獅子神レオナ (33万人)✂️ 花鋏キョウ (33万人)🏢 ぶいすぽっ! (32万人)🐻 森中花咲 (32万人)📌 ヤン・ナリ (31万人)🗞 ソフィア・ヴァレンタイン (31万人)🔥 焼まゆる (31万人)🫧 小清水透 (30万人)💥 魔使マオ (30万人)🐻‍ 白波らむね (29万人) ​⏰ 如月れん (28万人)💙 道明寺ここあ (28万人)🫐 先斗寧 (28万人)🫠 千燈ゆうひ (27万人)🌸 桜凛月 (27万人)‍🩹 石神のぞみ (27万人)🦊 秋雪こはく (27万人)♣️ 物述有栖 (27万人)🚴‍ 早瀬走 (26万人)💀 夜乃くろむ (26万人)🍡 餅月なこ (26万人)🐥 小雀とと (26万人)🔖 フミ (25万人)🐝 HACHI (25万人)🛵 アズマリム (25万人)😺 獅子堂あかり (25万人)🎴 山神カルタ (25万人)🌸 碧依さくら (25万人)🌷 家長むぎ (24万人)🍶 春雨麗女 (24万人)🦋 ルイス・キャミー (24万人)🍀 海妹四葉 (24万人) ​🐏 来栖夏芽 (24万人)ω 山黒音玄 (24万人)🌻 花たん (24万人)💙 水宮枢 (24万人)🌸 桜舞兎 (24万人)🎧 輪堂千速 (23万人)🌲 エリー・コニファー (23万人)⚾ 五十嵐梨花 (23万人)♨️ 小野町春香 (23万人)❄️ 白雪みしろ (22万人)🍼 夢野あかり (21万人)🎤 リデル (21万人)💅 綺々羅々ヴィヴィ (21万人) ​▽ ヒヅキミウ (21万人)💀 赤羽葉子 (21万人)🌐 雪城眞尋 (21万人)🦷 我部りえる (21万人)💎 白玖ウタノ (20万人)🦋 千代浦蝶美 (20万人)

チャンネル「Fulgur Ovid 【NIJISANJI EN】」のアーカイブ(ライブ配信・プレミア公開・投稿動画を含む)の一覧です。

チャンネル「Fulgur Ovid 【NIJISANJI EN】」のアーカイブ(ライブ配信・プレミア公開・投稿動画を含む)の一覧です。
絞り込み  すべてライブ配信ショート(~1分)音楽(1~5分)投稿動画プレミア公開
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ページ 4/11 541件中 151~200件
Disk 2 - SeeD is Ready To Fight Back! - Final Fantasy VIII Remastered 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
Final Fantasy VIII is one of my favourite games of all time. I first played it when it originally re
 配信日時 2024/03/04(月) 00:00~06:40 [6:39:22]
#Fulgur2Day Fan Appreciation Stream! 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
There's a lot that's been going on around the channel recently from the 2nd year anniversary to prep
 配信日時 2024/03/03(日) 00:02~06:13 [6:10:46]
The Sorceress and Her Swordsman - Final Fantasy VIII Remastered 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
Final Fantasy VIII is one of my favourite games of all time. I first played it when it originally re
 配信日時 2024/03/02(土) 00:03~05:59 [5:55:50]
The Sleeping Lion Heart Awakens! - Final Fantasy VIII Remastered 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
Final Fantasy VIII is one of my favourite games of all time. I first played it when it originally re
 配信日時 2024/02/29(木) 00:01~08:37 [8:36:13]
Final Exploration Day! Shrines and Items! - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
Everything so far has lead us to here! Join me for more Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom as we charge int
 配信日時 2024/02/27(火) 00:01~07:32 [7:30:57]
再生回数 - 高評価数 -
同時接続数 5,739人
Free Chat With an Ominous Timer
Just a Free Chat. Don't worry about it...
 配信日時 2024/02/26(月) 22:59~23:17 [0:17:22]
Feeling a bit Sheepish. Let's Just Chat 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
More Zatsudan today! The game we are playing is short so let's just chat for another few hours!
 配信日時 2024/02/25(日) 01:14~04:55 [3:40:59]
Am I A Shepherd, Wolf or Sheep? - Sheepy: A Short Adventure 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
Sheepy: A Short Adventure is a short hand-crafted pixel art platforming game about an abandoned plus
 配信日時 2024/02/24(土) 23:59~01:13 [1:13:03]
The Sixth Sage? More Fun Exploration! - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
Everything so far has lead us to here! Join me for more Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom as we charge int
 配信日時 2024/02/23(金) 00:00~05:35 [5:34:54]
Comfy Road Trip Through Supernatural Horrors - Pacific Drive 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
Pacific Drive is a story-rich horror sci-fi adventure game in which you hop into an old station wago
 配信日時 2024/02/21(水) 23:59~05:04 [5:04:23]
再生回数 - 高評価数 -
同時接続数 1,835人
Finally... Vengeance - The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered (end) 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
It's been a while since we did everything in our power to save Ellie. Now she's all grown up and abl
 配信日時 2024/02/20(火) 00:00~07:29 [7:24:42]
#FulAss Asset Playground and RolePlay! 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
Thank you to all my Comfydants for the amazing #FulAss Assets that you've shared over these 2 years.
 配信日時 2024/02/19(月) 00:01~05:09 [5:07:49]
再生回数 - 高評価数 493
The Shepherd Soundtrack 4 - Tears of a Shepherd
The Shepherd Soundtrack 4 - Tears of a Shepherd. When was the last time The Shepherd shed a tear for
 配信日時 2024/02/18(日) 02:39 [0:02:30]
再生回数 - 高評価数 342
The Shepherd Soundtrack 3 - The Legatus and The Shepherd
The Shepherd Soundtrack 3 - The Legatus and The Shepherd. A child soldier raised on the battlefield
 配信日時 2024/02/18(日) 02:36 [0:02:25]
JRPG X Rage Boardgame! Dokapon Kingdom Connect w/Sani Voxxy & Piochan 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
Dokapon Kingdom Connect is a combination of fantasy JRPG and rage-inducing board game. Players trave
 配信日時 2024/02/16(金) 23:09~04:58 [5:47:55]
再生回数 - 高評価数 -
同時接続数 2,145人
Now For Abby's Story - The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
It's been a while since we did everything in our power to save Ellie. Now she's all grown up and abl
 配信日時 2024/02/16(金) 00:01~07:59 [7:57:10]
To Hyrule Castle And Princess Zelda! - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
Everything so far has lead us to here! Join me for more Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom as we charge int
 配信日時 2024/02/15(木) 00:32~07:28 [6:56:10]
Spirit Hunter NG - Into The Land of the Dead (Finale) 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
Beware the creeping horror... Today we're diving into the gothic horror visual novel in the form of
 配信日時 2024/02/13(火) 00:00~06:21 [6:20:37]
It's Been A While. Let's Just Talk 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
Today is just a very simple zatsudan stream. I don't really have any topics so let's just chat about
 配信日時 2024/02/12(月) 00:12~06:45 [6:31:11]
再生回数 - 高評価数 -
同時接続数 1,294人
Hospital of Death - The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
It's been a while since we did everything in our power to save Ellie. Now she's all grown up and abl
 配信日時 2024/02/11(日) 00:01~06:10 [6:08:11]
Can LuxNoc Survive The Chaos of Pico Park? 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
I solemnly swear that I am up to no good... but will also try not to drive anyone insane. Pico Park
 配信日時 2024/02/09(金) 11:12~15:14 [4:01:06]
No One Fights Like Sidon! - Zelda Tears of the Kingdom 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
Finally going to do the water temple today in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and then we'll maybe explo
 配信日時 2024/02/09(金) 00:00~05:02 [5:01:29]
Spirit Hunter NG - Chapter 5 Begins! 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
Beware the creeping horror... Today we're diving into the gothic horror visual novel in the form of
 配信日時 2024/02/08(木) 00:03~06:58 [6:54:25]
再生回数 - 高評価数 -
同時接続数 2,164人
Revenge Is Best Served Cold - The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
It's been a while since we did everything in our power to save Ellie. Now she's all grown up and abl
 配信日時 2024/02/05(月) 00:01~06:57 [6:55:43]
This Time I'll ACTUALLY Solve The Goron Problem! ... Probably 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
Where will we go in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom today? I dunno. Gonna chat and see where the wilds t
 配信日時 2024/02/03(土) 22:05~04:39 [6:33:33]
The B Stands For Birthday! - Bug Fables 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
Don't bug me. Is Bug Fables.
 配信日時 2024/02/01(木) 00:00~03:40 [3:39:16]
Dark and Tragic Yuri Visual Novel - Amelie 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
Amelie is a psychological mystery yuri visual novel about the eponymous Amelie, a young girl who has
 配信日時 2024/01/31(水) 00:02~06:29 [6:26:21]
再生回数 - 高評価数 604
同時接続数 - 人
Link Click Season 2 Watchalong! Let's Cry Together. 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
Today we're watching the second season of Link Click. It's an amazing donghua about Cheng Xiaoshi an
 配信日時 2024/01/30(火) 00:02~05:52 [5:46:49]
Let's find romance and adventure in Love and Deepspace 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
Sponsor: Love and Deepspace
 配信日時 2024/01/29(月) 00:00~02:08 [2:07:11]
Fuuniverse RP! I'll Make You Sick of Fuuchan in One Stream! 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
I'm just gonna play around with a bunch of my assets today and make stupid stories out of them. Don'
 配信日時 2024/01/28(日) 00:00~03:36 [3:35:44]
再生回数 - 高評価数 -
同時接続数 3,618人
First Time Going In Blind - The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
It's been a while since we did everything in our power to save Ellie. Now she's all grown up and abl
 配信日時 2024/01/27(土) 00:00~07:29 [7:28:47]
Who Am I? - Refind Self: The Personality Test Game 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
Today we find out what kind of person I am. Join me today as we play the game and discover who I rea
 配信日時 2024/01/26(金) 00:01~04:18 [4:16:52]
Solving The Goron Problem in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom! 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
Where will we go in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom today? I dunno. Gonna chat and see where the wilds t
 配信日時 2024/01/23(火) 23:59~06:14 [6:14:34]
Fuupape Gallery 2.0! Let's See All The Cute Puppet Pictures! 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
It's finally here! I can't wait to see all the fun adventures that Comfydants have taken their Fulgu
 配信日時 2024/01/22(月) 00:01~04:12 [4:10:34]
Noctyx Are a Great ASSet - Lethal Company W/Noctyx 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
Lethal Company collab with Noctyx!
 配信日時 2024/01/21(日) 11:07~15:21 [4:13:28]
IDK... more Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom! 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
Where will we go in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom today? I dunno. Gonna chat and see where the wilds t
 配信日時 2024/01/19(金) 00:00~05:18 [5:13:18]
再生回数 - 高評価数 478
The Shepherd Soundtrack 2 - The Shepherd's Lament
The Shepherd Soundtrack 2 - The Shepherd's Lament. The Shepherd has seen more tragedy than most, yet
 配信日時 2024/01/18(木) 04:50 [0:01:24]
再生回数 - 高評価数 433
The Shepherd Soundtrack 1 - Don't Be Led Astray
The Shepherd Soundtrack 1 - Don't Be Led Astray. The Shepherd considered his life over long ago, but
 配信日時 2024/01/18(木) 04:42 [0:01:14]
Garglezeed 2: Lumberjack Boogaloo - GTA RP NoPixel 4.0 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
My first time ever playing on the GTA Online NoPixel 4.0 Role Playing server. Not sure what we'll be
 配信日時 2024/01/17(水) 00:00~06:40 [6:40:34]
Zeldatsudan! Let's Chat in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom! 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
Where will we go in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom today? I dunno. Gonna chat and see where the wilds t
 配信日時 2024/01/15(月) 00:01~05:40 [5:36:06]
An Iyashikei Underwater Journey - Abzu 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
Abzu is a slow and quiet meditative game in which you dive into the heart of the ocean. What will we
 配信日時 2024/01/13(土) 00:01~03:47 [3:41:27]
War Never Changes... - Long Gone Days 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
In Long Gone Days we'll be playing as an elite sniper, trained and conditioned since birth to take w
 配信日時 2024/01/12(金) 00:00~06:15 [6:14:21]
再生回数 - 高評価数 -
同時接続数 - 人
Garglezeed 2: Lumberjack Boogaloo - GTA RP NoPixel 4.0 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
My first time ever playing on the GTA Online NoPixel 4.0 Role Playing server. Not sure what we'll be
 配信日時 2024/01/10(水) 00:00~ [ - ]
Happily Ever After With Grim? - A Date With Death 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
A Date With Death is a visual novel in which Death - yes, the grim reaper himself is out to hunt you
 配信日時 2024/01/09(火) 00:00~02:49 [2:49:01]
Fuupape Gallery! Comfydants Adventures With Fuuchan Puppets 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
It's finally here! I can't wait to see all the fun adventures that Comfydants have taken their Fulgu
 配信日時 2024/01/07(日) 00:05~06:12 [6:06:07]
Employee of the Month POV! - Lethal Company W/Opal, Tocci and Aia 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
My first time ever playing Lethal Company and I'll be guided by Opal, Tocci and Aia!
 配信日時 2024/01/05(金) 22:07~00:41 [2:34:14]
The Chronicles of Garglezeed - GTA RP NoPixel 4.0 First Time 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
My first time ever playing on the GTA Online NoPixel 4.0 Role Playing server. Not sure what we'll be
 配信日時 2024/01/04(木) 23:58~05:04 [5:05:45]
Padoru Pado-gah! Nero Must Die... - Ryse: Son of Rome 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
Ryse: Son of Rome is an action RPG from 2013 which somehow still holds up graphically today. We're g
 配信日時 2024/01/04(木) 00:00~01:49 [1:48:25]
Nightmare Mode and Beyond! - Cooking Companions 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
Cooking Companions is a psychological horror visual novel set in the Tatras Mountains. Me and the co
 配信日時 2024/01/03(水) 00:02~04:08 [4:05:46]
Hot Death God In MY Local Area!? - A Date With Death 【NIJISANJI EN | Fulgur Ovid】
A Date With Death is a visual novel in which Death - yes, the grim reaper himself is out to hunt you
 配信日時 2024/01/02(火) 00:01~05:37 [5:36:08]
[PR] 動画編集スクール【クリエイターズジャパン】