チャンネル「Shiori Novella Ch. hololive-EN」のアーカイブ(ライブ配信・プレミア公開・投稿動画を含む)の一覧です。
チャンネル「Shiori Novella Ch. hololive-EN」のアーカイブ(ライブ配信・プレミア公開・投稿動画を含む)の一覧です。
絞り込み すべて|ライブ配信|ショート(~1分)|音楽(1~5分)|投稿動画|プレミア公開
再生モード: ポップアップ | インライン | プレーヤー
ページ 11/11 550件中 501~550件
Mario Kart 8: Failing Driver's Ed with #holoadvent
配信日時 2023/09/16(土) 09:55~13:18 [3:22:41]
Everhood: Shiori Novella the Musical
Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/live/ZCkCkQroTv8?si=XmEHLf3pPolBoOQz
配信日時 2023/09/15(金) 10:59~14:35 [3:36:35]
Isekai Harem Animes #hololiveenglish
hololive English - Advent - debuts on 7/29-30 PDT!
配信日時 2023/09/14(木) 11:00 [0:00:45]
Educational Nurse Roleplay: Gentle Vitamin Feeding & Health Overview
配信日時 2023/09/13(水) 11:00~13:48 [2:48:47]
Minecraft: Hololive Server Tour with #holoadvent
配信日時 2023/09/12(火) 09:55~12:42 [2:47:04]
Shiori Needs Your Energy【Storytime Corner for Insomniacs】
For those who cannot fall asleep as easily, why don't you come to my bedroom for a short storytellin
配信日時 2023/09/11(月) 11:00 [0:04:07]
SoS: A Wonderful Life | MARRIAGE SPEEDRUN (Spoiler Alert)
配信日時 2023/09/10(日) 10:58~13:44 [2:45:23]
Your Average Tea Party Surprise【Stream Highlights】
Welcome to my tea party! Please enjoy this small feast of sweet delights I prepared just for you!
配信日時 2023/09/09(土) 11:00 [0:06:54]
Everhood: The Lovechild of Undertale and Guitar Hero
配信日時 2023/09/08(金) 10:55~13:23 [2:28:12]
Minecraft Debut: My First Minecraft with #holoadvent
配信日時 2023/09/07(木) 09:56~12:49 [2:53:02]
Rusty Lake Hotel: Would You Like Dinner, a Bath, or 👁🗨?
配信日時 2023/09/06(水) 10:57~13:42 [2:44:49]
Cooking Simulator | I'm a Chef for the Most Unsanitary Restaurant Ever
配信日時 2023/09/05(火) 11:00~14:02 [2:59:30]
How Shiori Sees Advent #holoadvent #shorts #vtuber #shiorinonair #debut
配信日時 2023/09/04(月) 11:00 [0:00:21]
The Broken Horn Mystery【Storytime Corner for Insomniacs】
Is this the story of how we met~? Or is this simply a non-canon event?
配信日時 2023/09/03(日) 11:00 [0:12:58]
Pico Park | WHOLESOME Teamwork Or Ultimate BETRAYALS #holoadvent
配信日時 2023/09/02(土) 09:56~13:26 [3:29:48]
$100 Bug Snack Gacha with Geoguesser
配信日時 2023/09/01(金) 11:00~13:17 [2:17:26]
Movie Night : Little Shop of Horrors (1960)
配信日時 2023/08/31(木) 10:59~13:11 [2:12:16]
A Sickly Sweet Tea Party: Bring Some Snacks and Tea!
配信日時 2023/08/30(水) 11:02~12:36 [1:33:41]
Needy Streamer Overload | We're Needy and Questionably Fixable
配信日時 2023/08/29(火) 10:57~12:41 [1:43:43]
I Was Molded Into This #shiorinonair #shorts #funny #vtuber #hololive
▶Full stream: https://youtube.com/live/ILrxzxosEvk?feature=share
配信日時 2023/08/28(月) 11:00 [0:00:32]
Shiori~zz! Don't Tell Rissa! 🤫【One-on-One Collab Highlights】
Shiorizz moments that shall live on for eternity rent free.
配信日時 2023/08/27(日) 11:00 [0:06:42]
Phasmophobia Ascension Update | Back to ZERO Levels AND Money #holoadvent
配信日時 2023/08/26(土) 09:56~12:36 [2:39:36]
Needy Girl Overload | Streamer Life Simulator In a Nutshell
配信日時 2023/08/25(金) 10:59~13:45 [2:45:33]
Amanda the Adventurer | Children’s Show Goes Rogue and Becomes Self-Aware
配信日時 2023/08/24(木) 10:59~13:44 [2:44:54]
So You Think You Are Brave? Let's Test It Out
#ホロサマshorts #hololivesummer2023 #shorts
配信日時 2023/08/23(水) 12:00 [0:00:58]
POV: Shiori Comes Home Sick and Needs Pampering
配信日時 2023/08/22(火) 11:00~12:43 [1:43:19]
How Shiori Applied for hololive #shorts #hololive #holoadvent #shiorinonair
Here's how you can do it too
配信日時 2023/08/20(日) 11:00 [0:00:44]
Fur Elise #shorts #shiorinonair
🎬 Edited by @ShioriNovella
配信日時 2023/08/19(土) 11:00 [0:00:30]
Mystery Bug Unveiling: Insect Life Excavation!
🎬 Edited by @ShioriNovella
配信日時 2023/08/18(金) 11:00~11:11 [0:10:41]
Chuu Chuu~🤍 #holoadvent #shorts. [日本語字幕付|한국어 자막]
The different meanings of such a sound. And this one is just for good luck~
配信日時 2023/08/16(水) 11:00 [0:00:09]
Shiorin's message for when she is gone. #shiorinonair #shorts #vtuber
🎬 Edited by: Pudding
配信日時 2023/08/15(火) 11:00 [0:00:25]
Parasites, Insects, & Cellular Biology | Microscope Stream Highlights
Catch the full stream here: https://youtube.com/live/9Lpegyp0h4M?feature=share
配信日時 2023/08/14(月) 11:00 [0:08:34]
RPG Maker Throwback | Going Down Memory Lane
配信日時 2023/08/13(日) 10:57~13:01 [2:04:02]
Earth Defense Force 5 | Battle for Earth! Alien Bug Invasion with #holoadvent
配信日時 2023/08/12(土) 09:55~13:05 [3:09:30]
Escape Simulator | Test Our Genius! How High is our IQ? with @KosekiBijou
配信日時 2023/08/11(金) 10:59~13:48 [2:48:39]
ASMR | Audience Creations: Fanfic Readings from Novelites!
配信日時 2023/08/10(木) 11:00~13:06 [2:06:05]
Phasmophobia | Training for REAL Ghost Hunting with @NerissaRavencroft
配信日時 2023/08/09(水) 09:56~11:59 [2:02:44]
Only Up | Bug Snack Prep and Q&A
配信日時 2023/08/08(火) 11:00~13:54 [2:54:03]
Cutie-Pie Monetization Party Where I Destroy Your Childhood
配信日時 2023/08/07(月) 10:59~11:30 [0:30:49]
Bad Apple #holoAdvent #shorts #Touhou
配信日時 2023/08/06(日) 11:30 [0:00:46]
Left 4 Dead 2 | Zombie Slayer Crew with #holoAdvent
配信日時 2023/08/05(土) 09:55~11:57 [2:02:19]
1st Unarchived Karaoke: Rock Concert Galore with a Goth Vtuber
配信日時 2023/08/04(金) 11:00~12:22 [1:21:49]
Stay Up Late with Me: A Virtual Sleepover
📺 Live Tag: #ShiorinOnAir
配信日時 2023/08/03(木) 11:00~13:12 [2:11:51]
There are Parasites Inside You [Microscope Stream]
#ShiorinOnAir #ShiorinSketch #ShioAssets
配信日時 2023/08/02(水) 11:00~13:35 [2:35:18]
Crash Course Vtuber Lesson
配信日時 2023/08/01(火) 10:59~13:28 [2:28:12]
VTuber Debut Jitters #holoadvent #shorts
VTubers on the day of debut.
配信日時 2023/07/31(月) 23:00 [0:00:07]
The Sweet Escape - Advent's 1st Collab! #holoAdvent #FREEADVENT
hololive English -Advent- debuts on 7/29-30 PDT!
配信日時 2023/07/31(月) 13:32~14:30 [0:57:30]
[DEBUT STREAM] - A New Chapter Begins! #holoAdvent #ShiorinOnAir
hololive English - Advent - debuts on 7/29-30 PDT!
配信日時 2023/07/30(日) 12:00~12:45 [0:45:01]
Once Upon a Time #holoAdvent #ShioriOnAir #vtuber #debut
A flower bloomed so uncontrollably that even -------- took notice.
配信日時 2023/07/29(土) 12:45 [0:00:13]
Prologue #holoAdvent
hololive English -Advent- debuts on 7/29-30 PDT!
配信日時 2023/07/26(水) 12:05 [0:00:30]