チャンネル「Armcha1r Expert」のアーカイブ(ライブ配信・プレミア公開・投稿動画を含む)の一覧です。

チャンネル「Armcha1r Expert」のアーカイブ(ライブ配信・プレミア公開・投稿動画を含む)の一覧です。
絞り込み すべて|ライブ配信|ショート(~1分)|音楽(1~5分)|投稿動画|プレミア公開
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52件中 1~50件
Getting in the Sauna w/ @PeterBoxy_EN to Learn About JP VTubing Culture
"Cultural differences."
配信日時 2025/03/13(木) 11:00~16:01 [5:00:51]
Twitch Rivals: An Event With an Identity Crisis
"Just take the L."
配信日時 2025/03/08(土) 11:00~17:25 [6:25:20]
$KRONII & Tenma Connect: The Art of Overwriting a Yab
Lmao, even.
配信日時 2025/03/01(土) 11:00~15:49 [4:49:25]
10 Business Practices That Will Spell 'PR Disaster' (w/ Zan-VT)
As foretold.
配信日時 2025/02/20(木) 18:01~23:56 [5:54:46]
Pirate Software: A Cautionary Tale on the Fragility of Personal Brands
配信日時 2025/02/15(土) 11:00~21:13 [10:13:12]
Creating My Own Cautionary Tales
Grim, brothers.
配信日時 2025/02/08(土) 11:00~14:32 [3:32:31]
Reviewing the NEXAS CEO's "Post-Mortem" Blog
配信日時 2025/02/05(水) 20:00~01:00 [5:00:06]
Twitch Interview Review Continued | Part 2
配信日時 2025/02/01(土) 22:26~01:28 [3:01:56]
Reviewing Dan Clancy's 'Q&A' (ft. GEEGA) About VTubers on Twitch
配信日時 2025/02/01(土) 11:00~22:25 [11:25:11]
Dismantling VTuber Corpo Marketing Cliches
New year, old tricks.
配信日時 2025/01/25(土) 11:00~18:35 [7:35:31]
A little ramble about attending a funeral.
配信日時 2025/01/22(水) 20:00~23:28 [3:28:48]
Learning the Art of a Graceful Exit from VTuber Corpo Closures
Say less.
配信日時 2025/01/18(土) 11:00~17:11 [6:11:15]
Lessons Learnt from Bondlive EN: How NOT to Break a Story
Exposing documents.
配信日時 2025/01/11(土) 11:00~19:04 [8:04:06]
A Post-Mortem Analysis of NEXAS's Early Marketing (& Flawed Premise)
Rose-tinted lenses & a parade of red flags.
配信日時 2025/01/04(土) 11:00~17:26 [6:26:51]
【Guerilla】Reading & Rratting in the Spirit of the New Year
A short one.
配信日時 2025/01/02(木) 21:00~02:36 [5:36:05]
Evaluating COVER Corp's "Change of Direction" in 2024
配信日時 2024/12/29(日) 11:31~20:29 [8:58:23]
Theory-crafting Strategies to Reform NIJISANJI EN w/ @rimaevenstar
Very difficult.
配信日時 2024/12/14(土) 09:00~12:59 [3:59:06]
Explaining the Do's & Don'ts of Framing Problems Around People
Only one of these two has a media degree; you'll never guess which one.
配信日時 2024/12/07(土) 11:00~17:38 [6:37:56]
A Brief Overview of Australia's Long Campaign Against Free Speech
Won't somebody please think of the children?
配信日時 2024/11/30(土) 11:00~17:39 [6:39:05]
A 2024 Retrospective on VShojo's Toxic Relationship With Twitter
Correction is needed.
配信日時 2024/11/24(日) 11:00~19:01 [7:59:28]
Yapping About VTubers, 白左 Mentality & Games 'Journalism' (w/ @givemebanhammer)
It's perma-banning time.
配信日時 2024/11/15(金) 21:00~01:50 [4:50:25]
Appreciating the Author of 1984 (& Dissecting Bad VTuber Corpo Statements)
A love-letter to an underrated essay.
配信日時 2024/11/09(土) 10:00~17:57 [7:57:21]
The Greatest Threat to a Free Society
We've been sold a lie.
配信日時 2024/11/02(土) 10:00~18:29 [8:29:21]
Explaining the Importance of Compartmentalizing Your Audience
My genuine reaction.
配信日時 2024/10/23(水) 10:00~15:15 [5:14:55]
A Deeper Look Into YouTube's Ongoing Crusade Against ASMR Content
ASMR: the spiciest content on YouTube.
配信日時 2024/10/19(土) 10:00~15:51 [5:51:35]
A Bit of Tough Love for Aspiring VTubers (w/ @ProctorZakharov)
Helpful negativity.
配信日時 2024/10/09(水) 20:00~01:11 [5:11:20]
Revisiting Twitch's Apparent Vendetta Against VTubers
VTubers: the most oppressed group on Twitch.
配信日時 2024/09/28(土) 10:00~14:49 [4:49:31]
Coming Up With Oddly Specific Punishments for People That Annoy Us (w/@DepressedNousagi)
It's judging time.
配信日時 2024/09/25(水) 22:00~01:29 [3:28:40]
Explaining My Faith Using Cooked Bible Stories
They don't teach you this in Catholic School.
配信日時 2024/09/21(土) 10:00~14:24 [4:24:30]
Dissecting the Philosophy Behind 'Diversity' in Gaming
What did they mean by this?
配信日時 2024/09/14(土) 10:00~15:45 [5:45:00]
Attempting to Finish Dustborn Before It Finishes Me
配信日時 2024/09/07(土) 10:00~21:23 [11:23:01]
Doing My Due Diligence | Dustborn 'Playthrough'
配信日時 2024/09/05(木) 17:00~00:41 [7:41:03]
Why Parasocial Relationships Are More Unavoidable Than You Know...
We're not so different, you and I.
配信日時 2024/08/31(土) 10:00~14:05 [4:05:51]
Yapping About Negligent Reporting & What Makes Someone a 'Drama-tuber'
Due diligence will cost you time, but negligence will cost your future.
配信日時 2024/08/24(土) 10:00~16:09 [6:09:41]
The Do's & Don'ts of Starting Out as a Fan Clipper (w/ @RandomVtuberEdits)
A civilised discussion with an Adobe AfterEffects patient.
配信日時 2024/08/10(土) 10:00~13:50 [3:50:25]
What NOA Talent Teaches us About Debuting a New VTuber Agency
It's all about pattern recognition.
配信日時 2024/08/08(木) 10:00~13:46 [3:46:06]
So I Used to Write VTuber Fanfictions...
It is I, the Lore Man™.
配信日時 2024/08/03(土) 10:00~13:49 [3:49:50]
Why You Should NEVER Engage with Social Causes on Social Media
It's all about perspective.
配信日時 2024/07/27(土) 10:00~12:43 [2:43:31]
YouTube's Transparency Problems & Unethical Journalism (w/@LegalMindset)
When ethics fail, can law prevail?
配信日時 2024/07/25(木) 11:30~14:44 [3:13:40]
Mashable's Unethical PirateSoftware 'Article' (& The Absolute State of Game "Journalism")
Stop right there, criminal scum!
配信日時 2024/07/20(土) 10:00~14:02 [4:01:56]
The Importance of Gatekeeping (and how to do it CORRECTLY)
Gaslight, Gatekeep, Guraboss.
配信日時 2024/07/13(土) 10:00~14:00 [4:00:41]
Exposing Betterhelp & the Theatre Behind Paid Endorsements
Who needs ethics when you have money?
配信日時 2024/07/06(土) 10:00~15:35 [5:36:00]
A Review of NijiEN's Cancelled 'Events' & Twitch's 'Human' Moderation System
If I had a dollar for every time a corporation misled their key demographics, I'd have enough money
配信日時 2024/06/29(土) 10:00~13:34 [3:31:29]
Recounting How I Fell Down the Vtubing Rabbithole
How did I get here?
配信日時 2024/06/22(土) 10:00~13:14 [3:15:01]
Proving that Twitch Punishes VTubers Unfairly
What am I watching? (My genuine reaction)
配信日時 2024/06/21(金) 09:59~12:29 [2:30:20]
Diagnosing Vtuber Corporations' PR Strategies (w/@DepressedNousagi )
Hope you learned something useful to you.
配信日時 2024/06/15(土) 04:00~07:22 [3:20:18]
Offkai's "Miscommunications" and the Basics of PR
Clippers welcome, hope you learned something useful to you.
配信日時 2024/06/08(土) 09:59~13:04 [3:04:16]
A Deep Dive into the Exploitation of Students in University/College
Clippers welcome, hope you learned something useful to you.
配信日時 2024/06/01(土) 09:53~13:51 [3:57:51]
Dissecting "Everything WRONG With Vtubers"
Clippers welcome, hope you learned something useful to you.
配信日時 2024/05/18(土) 10:11~13:00 [2:49:24]
Yapping about Folk Devils & Cut Content from my Zaion Video
Clippers welcome, hope you learned something useful to you.
配信日時 2024/05/10(金) 10:01~14:57 [4:55:34]